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Need I Use Another Door?


That's not his expression. I've seen it many times before. That's the mortal mind peering through. That's the calm before the storm. The passing winter comes to an end. The bells have knelt to pray. A stiff hard air began to chant. Housing looks, storing warmth. The snowbirds began to fly. Galaxies in space wanting to land. Dreaming of a tiny face. His thought longing not to suffer. Diverging for another inclination. A pious noble love park. Why so does his fear continue? The prize off in the distance. Never nearing enough to change.


My decisions were made, I knew what I was about to speak; the outcome was already foreseen. This event was not common to me. I appeared, I observed and I crumbled. The grande finale to sum things up was a hook, line and sinker. Love at first sight; non-existant in my life; regarded as an incarnation of movies or fairy tales known as a snooze fest. Yet, here in the flesh, I was fixated on her. Each word, movement made me feel like a child would about candy. No fireworks or volcanic eruptions, no specific emotions. Just a calmness rushed over. Like a calm before the storm, cupid had made me his slave. Cleansing my voice of words, making me a shadow of her's, the only task at hand currently is to get my heart to stop jumping when she enters the door. A task way more difficult than any I have ever experienced before


I think I've finally stretched to my limit. My mind has reached its maximum population of total absolute nonsense and have finally become fed up. Not caring to leave this zone, for the nuisances are lurking out front. Vigourously asking questions, not waiting for a response. Switching topics momentarily then restarting the interrogation all over again. If they had not have been inebriated, their inquiries would have been answered. They would have shown a little concern and maybe some respect in what they stopped and talked to you for. Waiting for the day, when I can exit or enter my door, without some imbecile or moron interrupting me with tall tails or more.

See, we are not so different, you and I. That's why we aren't made for each other, we have to stop the lie. We're denying ourselves happiness if we continue with this crusade. The only hope in hell we have is if we died this very day. I wouldn't mind being seen walking around with you there amoung the ashes of souls whom would never care. In the palace of laughter, my reckless love, we are meant for each other, just not fitting like a glove. A simple resort of such frivolous measures, I need compassion and hope from some other treasure. A kinder generation, a more humane choice would be my favourite connection if I was to concur this voice. The voice of reason and anguish. The sound of torture and pain. The echoes of laughter in the sun, clouds, snow and rain. I want you, I need you but I will never know how, to this very day still, I will never know how to love you.

Only if you care you will follow it through. Only if you care you will know what to do. Only if you care you will never steer me wrong. Only if you care you will hold my heart. Only if you care you wait until I am through. Only if you care you would talk with me through the whole night too. Only if you care you would turn off my light when I've fallen asleep after we had a fight. Only if you cared I would be in the grandest of moods instead of curled up in a corner trying to figure out what to do. Only if you cared I would be right there with you laughing and carrying on instead of taking the laces from my shoes. Only if you cared you would have shown me some love instead of leaving here while you lay dead in the coffin.


Didn't Make The Cut

Founded by ​Krystal McCollum 


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